Saturday, February 14, 2009

Visiting with Friends in Nashville

My dear sweet friend Karris has been in Haiti for the past 7 years as a missionary. 
 She came to Nashville this week to bring a little girl in for eye surgery.  
I am so thankful for the friendship we have!

This is little Ava!  She is such a doll!  
Haley is trying to make her do the book the right way.

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Day with Daddy

Last Friday Jeff decided to take the day off.
We ended up just hanging out and spending the day
together as a family.  I didn't realize how much
we needed to
 do that. 
We started the morning off by going to
watch the ducks walk the carpet off the
elevator at the Peabody Hotel in Downtown Memphis.
This is an OLD tradition there.  I remember my 
grandparents taking me there when I was little to watch them!

Jeff and Haley waiting for the elevator doors to open!

Here they come!

The ducks passed, I was trying to get a video and it didn't work! :(

And they are off into the fountain!  
Haley liked the one with a green head!

After the ducks, we rode the trolly around downtown, and by the river.
We stopped of lunch at the BEST fried chicken place in the world -
Gus's Fried Chicken!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

An Old Video - For Papa and Papa Jan

Looking through some old videos, I found this.  It is Haley Grace when she was about 15 months old.  I think this is when she started calling Dan - "Papa".  Dan, I thought this would make you smile!