Christmas #1 -
Our house - We did Christmas with just us before we made our huge trip. It was really nice. It was Haley's first year to really think about what she wanted to get other people.
Christmas #2 -
North GA. We went to see mom and my sister Dabney on our first stop. The kids had a blast!
Carlie LOVES the babies! She carries William around everywhere.
In the morning, we made sausage and biscuits. YUMM! And the kids had hot chocolate with peppermint sticks! Thanks Aunt Dabney!
I love this one! Where they sat to eat.
Attack May May with hugs!
Christmas #3 -
On to Knoxville to see Jeff's family!
Jeff and his girls!
Gramma Millie and Caitlin
Haley dancing on her "stage" (aka - fireplace) on Christmas morning! She LOVES Christmas music!!
My sweet girls!
Our attempt at a cousin picture. Not too bad.
Little Santa helper. She really enjoyed helping give people their gifts!
A regular sight around the Kuban house - Scott and Dre on some sort of phone or computer. Kevin joined in with a guitar tuner??Haley Grace found some dress up stuff Jan had bought a LONG time ago - HUGE hit!!
Christmas #4 -
Jackson - the kids met at my Dad's.
Again - attempting to get a picture of so many young kids is just hard.
This was the best we got!
Sweet Baby Caitlin opening a gift.
My brother Holl and sister in law Stacye - they live in Montana and we got to see them!!!
What a treat!
Proud CR with his deer that he "helped" Pop kill.