Thursday, July 30, 2009

8 Weeks Old!

Well, Caitlin is now 8 weeks old!!! WOW! I can't believe it's been 8 weeks already! She is growing so much - she's 11 lbs now! (as you can tell her little cheeks and chin are quite chubby!) She' just started smiling at us - I actually heard her laugh the other day. :) She has become quite the amazing sleeper! She's been sleeping for 10/11 hours at night - eating at 10, and going right back to sleep - sleeping til 8/9 in the morning. I still keep thinking I should wake her up cause newborns shouldn't sleep that much, right? She continues to be fairly happy most of the time, only when she needs to poop does she get fussy. So we go to the potty and she poops, the day gets much better.

On another note - Haley Grace should be starting homeschooling Sept 1. She's really going to K! I can't believe she's ready for K already!?!? She turns 5 in just 2 weeks! Oh she's growing up fast!


We finally got to go swimming this summer with some friends! I didn't realize that having a newborn meant you couldn't really go swimming. Caitlin can't be outside in the heat for too long, and she can't really sit out by the pool that easily while we play. But, our friend's parents have a pool, so it made having a baby there much easier, and it was shady.

Our neighbor, Katie, dipping Caitlin in - a NOT very happy baby!

Trying out the pool, she didn't want to go in.

One of Caitlin's more serious faces! She makes this face all the time!
Haley playing by the pool.
Our neighbor, Lily. She's a GREAT swimmer!

Friday, July 24, 2009


My sister and her husband were in Memphis this week. The 4 older kids got to come hang out with us for a few hours, and they all had a great time! :) I really love my nieces and nephews! They are wonderful kids! I'm pretty sure the reason is that my sister is such a wonderful and godly mother. She has truly trained up her children in the ways they should go!

Little feet are so adorable aren't they?!?!

C with her dress up stuff!

Loving the little feet!


Baby Caitlin slept through most of the play.


my sweet little E boy!

This is how they were playing most of the time. Piled all the picnic food outside of my room at the end of the hall, and right at the top of the stairs. Who knows why kids do things.

They were all getting along so great - until this picture. CR didn't want to be in the picture! :) Oh well!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Hair Cuts!

Last night our kitchen was temporarily turned into a barber shop/ hair salon. Jeff buzzed his head, and Haley got about 4 inches cut off! - most of which was her blonde tips.

Haley got to help Jeff buzz his head! She loved it!

Above is the before - really really long. Below - after!

Haley went upstairs to her bathroom to take a look, and said "OHHH! I LOVE it!!!" She is such a girly girl. She sat and looked in the mirror for a while just combing her fingers through it and doing different looks.

Visiting Dabney's New House

Dabney's new house is definitely small, but it's great! The outside is amazing - all the land around them is just beautiful!! The inside has so much natural light that it's great. We rode 4 wheeler's all afternoon. They have a good size creek on the edge of the property that was perfect depth for riding right down the middle of it. :) Then we took the kids down to pick wild blackberries. They have tons of them, although the deer get a lot of them.

Caitlin is 6 weeks

Caitlin is now 6 weeks old! I can't believe it's been that long already!! She has just started smiling at us, intentionally. It's so sweet to see. She's really looking at you. She is getting really good at holding her head up and keeping it still for a few minutes. Then she starts to wabble and crashes back into your shoulder. She has started sleeping a good 8 hours at night! Praise Jesus! What a wonderful gift to me. I usually feel rather rested and ready for the day by the time I get up. In this picture you see her passy under her chin and her thumb in her mouth. :) This was the first time she intentionally found her thumb. She usually has half of her fist sticking in her mouth. Well, I think that is all on the updating of Caitlin. She is getting so big. I'm not sure how much she weighs right now -but think it's around 11 or 12 lbs.

Holl Comes to Visit!

Holl decided to make a last minute trip to TN this month! YAY! We are so happy we got to see him! Unfortunately we don't see Holl that much. But we all get so excited when we do. This time we got to spend a whole day with him, so naturally the pool is where we went. The kids LOVE Uncle Holl playing in the water with them!

Holl and Haley on the diving board

Haley with her swim gear on!

This is typical of Holl and the kids!

Sweet Ellis!

CR would kept jumping all over Holl!

Look are Carlie! She's so straight - going into some kind of dive I think.

Holl meeting his newest niece - Caitilin

We went to Richard's house for Ellery's 1st birthday.

Once Ellery tasted and felt the cake,
she smashed it over and over, looking to us for applause!

Ellery and Daddy! So sweet!

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

Independence Day was started this morning by taking a family walk down the green way in Germantown. Haley rode her bike while we walked. We stopped at the Turtle Pond and saw tons of turtles sitting out on logs getting some sun.

Me and My Dad and Caitlin. He's so country at heart!
We have started going to Dad's farm for 4th of July to shoot fireworks. This year, we got rained on, and there was lightning all around us. But Dad kept on grilling the burgers and dogs. Dabney and her family were not there, making everything seem different. We missed them!

Haley Grace being silly.

Haley's new friends (borrowed from her cousins) - Eden and Josiah.

Jeff and I and Caitlin - after a long night of waiting on rain and lightning to pass, we ended up eating our burgers and hot dogs in a garage. Jeff got to head up the fireworks this year! They were beautiful, and he did a wonderful job! We finally got back on the road after 10 - didn't get in til 11:15ish. What a late night - but HG and C did great in the car, and they both slept past 8:00 in the morning. Sweet Caitlin gave me my first 8 hour night!! Woo Hoo!!! Then went back to sleep for another 4! Sleep is good. :)