Monday, July 20, 2009

Caitlin is 6 weeks

Caitlin is now 6 weeks old! I can't believe it's been that long already!! She has just started smiling at us, intentionally. It's so sweet to see. She's really looking at you. She is getting really good at holding her head up and keeping it still for a few minutes. Then she starts to wabble and crashes back into your shoulder. She has started sleeping a good 8 hours at night! Praise Jesus! What a wonderful gift to me. I usually feel rather rested and ready for the day by the time I get up. In this picture you see her passy under her chin and her thumb in her mouth. :) This was the first time she intentionally found her thumb. She usually has half of her fist sticking in her mouth. Well, I think that is all on the updating of Caitlin. She is getting so big. I'm not sure how much she weighs right now -but think it's around 11 or 12 lbs.

1 comment:

Sacrifices of Joy said...

Love the picture! She is such a sweet, cute, precious and good baby!!