Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Jonah is 6 months!!

Today, Jonah is 6 months old!  WOW!  I can't believe he's that big already!!!  He's getting so big and seems to be such an older baby all of a sudden.  

Let's see, here is a little about our boy:

* He is around 18 lbs (we find out his real stats next week)
* He had his first haircut at 5 months, and could use another trim.  I think we'll let it go a little longer though.
* He is loving food!  He's got all the basics down, and can't get enough.  He kicks his little legs as he sees me walk to him with his food, and screams if I turn away with it.
* He laughs all the time!  Giggles are a frequent sound.
* I'm thinking he might actually be starting to sleep through the night - up until a week or so ago, he'd been getting up 2 or 3 times still.  Now it's been just around 10, then 6 or 7!!  Yay for better sleep all around!
* Rolling both ways is a constant exercise program for him!  He can also scoot himself around in a circle to get toys.
* There are 2 teeth in our little man's mouth!  After cutting teeth for 2 whole months, those little boogers finally came through.  Now we have a much happier little man.

Jonah eating some banana - whole in the mesh thing.  SUPER messy - but he loved every second of it!

This is how I found them this morning, I had Jonah in here to play, and Caitlin climbed in and made herself at home.
I think that is about it.  We've had 6 months of crazy, wonderful and tiring fun.  Three kids has been a bigger adjustment than I realized it would be.  There's all kinds of reasons for that, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  Thank you God for giving me these 3 little blessings! 

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